To get to the future, you must have had a past. I don’t know if that’s been said before, but it came to my mind as I sat here staring at the blinking cursor. 2020 is a year full of promise and excitement. I’m ready to get moving again, after leaving most of my writing on hard drives for a long time. All of the music you’ll find here was published between 2006 and 2012. I’ve dedicated a page to Thomas Lane, my former (and perhaps current) band, and the “Video” page is full of TL videos. The Music page has my most recent (hey 8 years ago is recent in the grand scheme, right?) releases under my own name. The writing never stops…I’ve got plenty of stops and starts and unfinished melodies filling up hard drives and digitizing dreams. I’m not sure what’s going to come of all those songs and ideas, but I’m thinking about publishing a whole page of works in progress as I’ve come to think there is no point in letting them sit in the form of files long forgotten when they could at least be ideas or future memories…but that’s for another time and place. Thanks for checking everything out and here’s to the next chapter…if I may steal an album title from Thomas Lane, perhaps we’ll all find something to hold onto.